Wednesday, May 18, 2016

At last, a home for my heart...

My time with God is precious to me;
it cannot be replaced by anything. 
And His words, when I'm still and hear Him speak,
are beautiful; there's nothing quite so sweet. 
My Lord himself, my treasure complete,
I find in Him all I could ever need. 
And when I'm faltering and failing, weak,
I'm refreshed as I pause, lean in and seek

My time alone with my Father
can be replicated by no other. 
He is an anchor for my soul. 
I delight in Him; He makes me whole. 
Long I wandered, vainly seeking,
in this world, craving meaning. 
He bid me come, revealed to me
whose I am, in Him my real identity. 
God gave my life true purpose, 

And finally, my heart is 

At last I exhale completely in utter peace, 
this love, just so remarkable. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


...and the rain keeps falling, harder now;
You shelter me
from this and all things. 
I'm protected, safe here under Your wing
as life roars and rages
seeming out of control,
and all else spirals beyond. 
In You I find sweet refuge and respite
from the torrent as it rolls,
assured You'll see me through 
no matter what may come. 
Deep within, I have a sweet and lasting peace,
in You is all my hope. 
I'm blessed beyond measure
in every circumstance,
regardless what situation should arise...
Because You are my God and King,
my Papa, my love, and soul's delight. 
Abba!  My one true Father!
Praise You, my all, my everything.  

Thursday, May 12, 2016

My utmost desire... It has always been You.

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.”
Psalm 37:4 AMP

God, my Papa.  Jesus, my sweet Savior, closest Friend, Lover of my soul, the One who completes and makes me whole. Spirit, my Helper, my Guide and Leader in all things.  YOU.  Beautiful Three-in-One - blessed Trinity divine...  You are the desire, the utmost want of my heart and soul.  None else satisfies; nothing and no one other than You can quench this thirst, the depths of my craving hunger for pure, true love and grace - for real life, abundant, free and full - for light and peace that overflows.  It is YOU... and You alone. 

I desire more of You
     in every part of my life
           with every fiber of my being. 

It is You that I want...

And I praise You that You will not ever leave me lacking.  

Help me come early and often to You.  Help me stop hiding and running, trying to fill all these empty places with worldly balms that will never fulfill my heart's real desire.  

It's You. It always has been.  It always will be.  

It's You I want - it's You I need. ❤️

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’”
Mark 12:30 NIV

My God, my Abba!

Who crowns me with His love
and covers me with sweet grace;
Who is bigger than all my mountains
and cradles me in His loving embrace? 

Who goes before me in all things;
Whose favor prepares a way?
Who upholds me in the face of adversity
and triumphantly delivers me through unashamed?

My God, my Abba!  I proclaim.
My heart cries out to You alone,
for You alone can save. 

My hope rests surely in You;
I find soul peace in Your name. 
I hide myself away under Your wing,
meditating in Your presence night and day. 

My God, my Abba!  O, my righteous, holy Judge,
search my heart and know all my ways. 
Cleanse and make me whole again;
right my course anew for Your sake. 

I search for You and find You;
all Your promises are just and true. 
Come now and fill my heart, this place;
hide not from me the glory of Your face. 

“Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. [Deut. 4:29-30.]”
Jeremiah 29:13 AMP

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The purpose of my unraveling...

As I come undone, let it be ever and only in Your hands. 

Remake me entirely in Your image alone, leaving all worldliness behind, becoming Your likeness completely.  

Consecrate me for Yourself. Refine and purify me.  Strip me down that only You remain.  Uphold me only by Your love and grace.  

Saturate and satisfy me.  Complete me; make me whole and new.  Bring about Your plans and accomplish Your purposes for my life.  Lead me on in Your will in all I say and do.  

May You be glorified in and through my life and all that I am; all I become, my everything, belonging in whole, solely to You. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hide me away...

I am tired.  Exhausted, frustrated,
and done beyond done.   My entire being wearied from drowning in distress.  I have lifted my voice to heaven and God is calling out to me.  I have gone to hide myself away in my Mighty Fortress, my Father.  He alone is my Strength and Shield.  He is the One I need

"Hide me away. 

Hide me away, my Strong Tower.  Tuck me under Your wing and grant me refuge from the storm.  You are my Safe Place.   In You, I find comfort and Your peace restores my weary soul.  

Hide me away, Papa.  Protect and cover me.  Watch over and hold me close.  Only You can uphold me, knit me back together and make me whole.  

Hide me away, my Abba God.  Let me feel Your warm embrace.  Help me let go so I can rest.

Yes, let me rest that I may find renewed strength and revival in You.  Nurture my wounded heart as Your grace attends my soul."

... If you need me, I'll be in *witness protection* the rest of the afternoon. ❤️


The One my soul loves... He can be yours, too

Yes, I have found the One whom my soul loves;
a love so brilliant, it's beautiful.  
In Him I find my everything.  
I've been made new; I've been set free.  
In Him, I am at last made whole;
my Love, real and true, He completes me. 

He never disappoints or lets loose His grip on my soul.  
His love is forever, never blinking or missing a note.  
He never leaves me to wonder or flail.  
He never neglects me, leaves me hanging, faltering or frail.  

When worn and weary of this world, 
His love refreshes and renews my all. 
I rest entirely in His good and warm embrace; 
there my soul finds peace before now never known. 

He offers more than any one in this world 
could ever give.  
And because He loved me first, I give my all to Him.  
He is my Beloved, and I am His.  

No longer seeking, craving still, or ever left to want for anything; 
I have found in Him my delight, soul rapture, and true blessedness.  

My heart is full, my mind at ease, 
His love washing over me continually 
like a fresh and lovely, fragrant breeze. 

Never left to wander on my own - 
my Love, my Life, He is my Home.

All this I have in Him promised forevermore.  
And it all can be yours, too; He stands now knocking at the door. 

You ask His name, will you recognize Him?  
I call Him Jesus, Lord and Savior, sweetest Friend. 

He saved me from a life of woe, 
and filled and covered all my God-shaped holes. 

I hope that you will let Him in, get to know Him, and even walk with Him. 
I promise not a life of roses, 
but you'll not want for more surrendered to this Jesus.  
He died to set you free and ever longs to hold you close.

Yes, I have found the One in whom my soul delights. 
His love thrills me and gives real, abundant life.
I am off to walk and talk a while with my Lord. 
He waits for you, still calling; 
the choice is yours.  

Facing headlong the approaching storm...

Even with the sky a smiling blue and sun pouring in my skylights, bright white clouds dancing along above me as I lie, I hear the faintest, long, low rumbling.  Distant thunder lingers, hard to distinguish where it begins and where it ends.  The ominous, unsettling messenger warns:  A storm is coming.  My soul stirs within me on the waiting as the unavoidable makes its approach.

How fitting...

Alas, I will enjoy the sunshine while it remains. Bask in the warmth as I repose. And when the storm rears its ugly head, bares its teeth to gnash at me, shows its face raw, no longer hidden away, I will find refuge in my Strong Tower.  A mighty fortress, My God will uphold me as the torrent rises and the winds beat and blow.  When the rain pours heavy and hard, and my flesh feels as if to fail, my heart will find shelter and safe keeping in His arms, my soul's respite in His love and grace.


Calm tranquility holds the sky for a time before ever darkening clouds roll in, all sunlight soon seemingly lost behind the threatening veil.  But my heart shall not faint within me at the sight, holding fast to my hope in the face of whatever comes.  My God, faithful; His word, unchanging, ever true.  I will stand firm on the foundation of this Rock, this Jesus of mine.   My faith, unshaken; His peace I remain resolute to retain.  Clinging to His truth and light, I will stand unmoved in the midst and lift my hands in praise for He who sees me and knows my name.  Though my face like to be battered by the storm ahead, determined, I lean heavy into my God, anticipating; my roots growing deeper with each trial that comes. 

Though adversity sets to assault me repeatedly, I shall most certainly be delivered through triumphantly.  Thus out plays the beauty of this epic grace overcoming life's opposing chaos continually; wherefore shall sing my soul forevermore God's majestic glory, my heart's true delight and most cherished melody.

A morning of messy transformed...

Have you ever just thrown up your hands and cried out, "O Lord, my God, call into the four winds and gather all my scattered pieces together again!" 

That's exactly where I was this morning.  

I'm gonna be honest: life is messy.  And sometimes I feel messy.  Very.  But God is bigger!  Hallelujah!

He is bigger than the laundry, the dust, the debt, the deadlines, the death, the depression, the divorce, the stress and worry.  Glory!  He is bigger, and He is enthroned!

And when I pause all of my self and step out of what I'm feeling to worship Him (in the midst, as I always say) - amazing!!!  

A simple chorus of Hallelujahs can realign the soul and let the Spirit move inside.  A huge shift is taking place.  Perspective - the focus moving off of where I am and onto who He is.  There is the power, and thus I am lifted, above it all, to the higher places, right before my God.  

My faith is invigorated, infused with the power of His magnificent presence while my all is attuned to His glory.  And praise Jesus, all else grows strangely dim as (I'm fully aware) He's right with me in this place.  I feel Him anoint me, and my heart, my cup, overflows.  Yes, His goodness and mercy, they overtake me. 

What divine love is this that transforms my mess into such a beautiful message of grace?  

This is the power of praise and the efficacy of heartfelt prayer that connects us to the very heart of our God.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Let me always be fertile ground for Your truth...

Having read my devotion (First5 by Proverbs 31 Ministries) this morning, I was encouraged to pray for a heart open to God's truth... Truth that is not always easy to hear and receive, but inherently needful to accept and internalize.  

"Lord, I humbly ask that I may always be sensitive to conviction that I can readily confess & repent, seeking the Spirit's guidance on how to live in Your way.  May my heart be fertile ground that all of Your truth can sink deep in and take root.  May I be as soft, wet clay in Your hands, moldable and pliable as You shape me.  

Please keep reminding me by Your Spirit to seek You early and often for revelation in all areas of my life - that I may be continually submitting to Your lordship and sovereign governance so I may live the full and abundant life Your Son came to give me.  Help me to trust You completely. 

And Lord, as You use me to present Your message to those You place in my path, set a guard on my heart from judgment when others resist Your truth. Help me to be faithful to continue to sow diligently.  Let me trust You to convict and convince their hearts to repentance that I may be a messenger of grace even when my words seem to fall on ground of stone.   

In Jesus' name.  Amen." 

I crave a fresh and full revelation of Your love...

This is what I prayed this morning - this is where I am. 

Lord God, overwhelm me with Your love.  I want to be overtaken. Thick and heavy, I want to wade deep in Your affections poured out over me. Cover me, I beg You.  Rewrite my love map according to how You love me, so perfectly, completely.  Saturate my life with all Your love and reminders of who You are and who I am to You.  Help me to know, unmistakably, whose I am and to whom my heart belongs.  Let me not be ashamed, for my hope lies in You, my God.  My true Father.  I cry out - I need You.  In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Lord, I confess (with all that's going on) I am shaken, but my faith in You is not.  

Praise You!!  

I am so thankful I am not defined by manifestations or disappointments of earthly love.  I am defined in You alone.  

GLORY!!!  🙌🏻 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Praying through troubling times and trials...

I received some devastating news yesterday... It shook me right to my very core.  And it's just one trial in a series that has been coming at my soul to unravel me outright.  

But my faith will be unshaken.  

The only way I can be confident of such is a constant connection with God.  I knew the instant I got the news that it was too much for me to carry.  And though I wept in an emotional breakdown when it hit me, I immediately turned to prayer...  Yesterday, then later in the afternoon, again in the evening and overnight in the wee hours... And still I continue.  It has been and will remain a constant turning over.  

This is how I prayed this morning... I share here that it may be a blessing or encouragement to some passerby:

"Lord, Lord, I am such a mess.  This moment - so many emotions, so many questions, so much uncertainty.  But I know it is You who holds my future.  And Your plans for me are greater than what is currently in front of me.  I know You will use even this to draw me nearer to You.  To strip away my security in this world even as we speak.  I know it is You who upholds me.  

And in the face of these giants, I will keep my hope in You.  I will rest in Your embrace, not striving of my own to keep up.  Knowing the battle is the Lord's and not my own - I need but be still and know - know You, Your presence surrounding me, Your Spirit indwelling me.  

In my utter weakness, Your strength and power are made and shown to be perfect.  Let You and all You are shine through my life now, in this troubled time, and always.  Less of me increasingly, and all the more of You.  

Ever more, call me to Yourself in the midst and let my faith be unshaken, an immovable trust in who I know You to be and Your unending, flawless love for me.  

I will take refuge in You, my God - I will find my comfort in Your peace and the power of Your mighty name.  When my mind wanders and my flesh falters, I will breathe the name of Jesus and focus on my sweet Savior and His overwhelming grace.  I will pause and let His mercies sweep and overtake me - wherever I am, whatever situation.  

I will keep turning this over to You, my Papa God, by the Spirit guiding me.  He will remind me when I grow weary to exhale and lean all the more into You. 

Let me now feel the warmth of Your good and kind embrace.  You anoint my head with oil as Your chosen one.  I am Your precious daughter, Your beloved, Your treasure.  I am highly favored and Your grace goes before me in all things and prepares Your way for me.  Surely Your great goodness and mercy chase me down constantly.  

I am flooded with reminders of how You love me.  I lift mine eyes to You - You are my great Redeemer, my Deliverer - and You provide all just as I need.  

I praise You for You are most faithful, and Your word unchanging is always true.  You are my God, and my confidence rests solely and entirely in You. 

Your will for my life, I ask You; lead me along Your way.  In Jesus' name, Amen." 

Monday, May 2, 2016

His plans, not mine

This is a confession in response to my convicted heart.  Reflecting on the events of the prior week:  I have pushed ahead in and of myself, and neglected to seek God FIRST in *my* plans.  

It all settles in - a sober remembering that it's His work I've been called to do - not just any old thing I've come up with on my own, no matter how good the ideas or how noble my intentions might have seemed at the time.  It's HIS plans I want for my life, not anything self-conceived or contrived.  

This is me, seeking forgiveness and His means to redemption and restoration.

"Lord, forgive me.  Have mercy on me, a sinner, out of your unfailing love for me. All these things recently I have up and taken upon myself, concerned about going about it the wrong way in and of this world, and I have neglected the most important.  The one thing.  I have neglected to seek You first in these endeavors. 

It is no wonder I have been stressed and frustrated and worried.  I have faced opposition and doubts and failure.  I have not sought You in prayer or been in any way submitted to Spirit leadership in these pursuits.  I have been pursuing these things rather than pursuing You. 

I'm sorry.  I praise You for showing me yesterday morning and for confirming today by Your word.  

Help me surrender it all to You.  All my plans, hopes, dreams...  Any scheming I've come up with on my own.  I want to please You more than anything.  More than anything I've put before me, I want You. 

Show me how to make these things right by Your power and grace to restore and redeem.  Teach me and mold me so I can learn to come after You in all things,
Papa.  I want to go where You go and join You in Your good work.  Not push ahead in and of my own, in vain out of ignorance or arrogance.  

I do not want to neglect our relationship for striving to achieve or "make things happen."  I want to walk in trust in all things.  Your plans and purposes, in your timing. 

Help me, Jesus, to lay down all self, crucify the flesh, and take Your yoke upon me to come after You.  

I thank You so much for showing me my errors and for Your corrections.  Lead me on in Your way for my life.  Your will become my very own.  You, Lord, above everything.  In Your perfect name, amen."