Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Considering the idea of marriage...

This is the outflow of my heart from reading this morning in Genesis 2 about the establishment of marriage as first recorded between Adam and Eve, who were created and designed specifically for and as love gifts to one another...

Lord, I know that You are preparing me in so many ways - for my calling & the rest of my life. I know, too, You are prepping my heart for this sacred union of marriage. I want to take a minute today to pray specifically not just for myself to be open and moving in cooperation with this good work You're doing in me, but also for the man You have chosen and are preparing for me.

I pray You will draw him near to You and help him to embrace You as his ultimate priority - that ...he would cast off this world in pursuit of You and Your presence in his daily life. I pray You would encourage him to remain faithful and diligent to do the good work You've called him to & remind him that his work will be rewarded in You. 

I pray You would refine us both by the means You need in order to produce true godly character and bring out an ever growing desire in each of us to come after You more. That as we each continue on the paths You have set before us, we would be united in faith in Your time, by Your leading. That we would both be totally dedicated to You, and we would neither waver nor wander so we may both hear clearly when You whisper to our hearts, "Look up and see the one I have chosen for you."

Guide our courtship and protect us not just from this world, but guard us also from our own desires so we may remain reserved in purity by Your grace until the blessed day we are united in marriage under God.

Lord, be our Leader. Wherever he is, this man You are making ready for me, uphold him by Your mighty right hand. Please remind him in whispers to his heart You are preparing someone for him also that he can pray for me.

All the while, Lord, continue to sustain me now and forever in my pursuit of You as the one true Lover of my soul.

By Your unfailing grace I pray, preserve us both, one for the other, for Your name's sake and for all the good You have set and prepared for us to accomplish together in You. Hear my words and bless this prayer, sweet Jesus. Amen.

© K. Michelle Payne 2015

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